+Richard L. Brandt  this was originally a comment on your post, but seemed to take the discussion too far off topic.

With all of the discussion about the need for more firearms regulation in the United States, it is becoming more and more polarized. Generally, there are two things proposed:

1. Some form of licensing and background check
2. Restrictions on the types of firearms available. 

Being a Canadian I have a slightly different perspective on the discussion. I tend to believe that both sides of this argument have it wrong: the gun polishers pro-gun side are not going to have all their guns taken away; and the gun grabbers anti-gun side needs to worry less about what toys their neighbours are buying.

Regarding the suggested restriction on "Military Style" weapons, I would suggest that people considering this look at what this has meant in Canada. In Canada we are only allowed to own firearms for sport, or hunting. Canadians are explicitly forbidden from owning "Military Style" weapons (I believe that phrase is used in the legal literature).

Cabelas.ca only lists firearms that are legal for purchase by Canadians. I think both sides of the argument might be surprised by what Canadians consider legal firearms to own. I encourage Americans involved in either side of the discussion to spend some time shopping at a Canadian Gun Shop to see what their proposed rules might mean in the US. Feel free to ask about any guns that you think are surprised are present, or if you like guns ask why they are missing.

(I also happen to think many Canadian Gun Laws missed their target)