I have been looking to upgrade my "Whiskey Stones".  Currently, I am using some reusable water filled plastic party cubes, but I'm finding they just don't drop the temperature very well.

What's in your glass?

Now, I'm a bit of a snob, but most of my snobbery revolves around not having the commercial whiz-bang product; instead having the exact same thing, but using common readily available items. So when I was looking to get whiskey stones, my plan was to pick up some "river polished granite pebbles" from the river I normally fish in: you know "actual rocks". (I was a little worried about their Uranium content)

That's what turned up this article in which they test several products to compare their utility for cooling whiskey. What stood out for me was how useless granite is, when compared to the steel products. In particular my eye is drawn to the "Steel Pucs", while not as effective as their gel filled counterparts, they are effectively "Steel Ball-bearings".

So now I'm wondering, if steel ball-bearings are a good idea, what other things might be a good idea? Steel/Titanium/Platinum? 

Features I like so far:
* shape: I like round over square (don't stick to the bottom)
* Thermal features (should transfer heat quickly, stay cold longer)
* Common ($0.50 at the hardware store)

What's in your glass?