Opinion rating scale: -2 to +2

(-2) Strong Opposed: I disagree, and will argue the point vehemently
(-1) Opposed: I disagree, but not strongly
(0) Neutral: I have no real opinion on the matter
(+1) Support: I agree, but not strongly
(+2) Strong Support: I agree, and will argue the point vehemently

This scale is useful when trying to decide on a course of action where people disagree on certain points. It is not really any different than the scale used by sociology questionnaires, but I find the definitions I use more clear and suitable for taking action.

Note: the scale is not cumulative. You can't add it up as a voting mechanism. If you were going to do that, think of the number more like an exponent.

For example, The Wife and I often disagree on the best course of action. The moment we have a disagreement on the correct course of action, we call out our ratings on various pros and cons.

If I am for an action, but not strongly (+1), and she is against the same action, vehemently (-2), we can stop discussing or debating the matter instantly; and proceed with her choice. If we are -2/+2, we need to discuss the point more.

This allows people to voice dissent, while not having the vehement party waste time trying to convince the non-vehement party... just move on to clearing up the vehement disagreements. Also, this prevents argument when one individual does not support the action as vehemently as the other: there is no point arguing with someone that agrees with you.