Test Result Enumerations

2 todo : (-) gray [hyphen in octogon]
* somebody should implement this
1 manual: (.) blue [empty octogon]
* this needs to be executed manually for some reason
0 pass: (+) green [check mark in circle]
* no problems
-1 defect: ( - ) pink [m-dash in square]
* an issue was detected, but someone is currently working on it
-2 fail : (x) red [x mark in square]
* an issue was detected

n pending: (?) white
* hasn't been run yet

How to read:
The numbers indicate priority,
* the further from 0 the more we care about it
* positive numbers are more relevant to business and requirements gathering
* negative numbers are more relevant to development
Everything has an ASCII friendly character associated with it
Colors are meant to be meaningful to at least the North American group I work with
Symbols are meant to be reasonably meaningful