

This site has been around for a couple of years (1998), and it has changed what it is a couple of times within its life.

Currently this site is an archive of various things I have written over the years. Feel free to comment, I’m not ashamed.


Updates are likely not going to occur in the current politicaly climate (2015 - 2017). Recent events in the media, as well as statements made by employers and collegues, have made it clear that political disention are grounds for dismissal.

Recent Journal Entries

Don’tdestroythecountry April 11, 2020 id: title: Don’t Destroy the UK (Gaurdian Comment)author: pinkie123date: 2020-04-11 11:56layout: postcategories:tags: “1984” “opinion”

Biasing Language November 07, 2018

Fish need belly rubs August 23, 2017 Fish need belly rubs too…

Worm Breeding Pen July 05, 2015 I currently have two worm bins with two very different populations: pure Red Wigglers; and a mixture of European Night-crawlers and Red Wigglers.

Never Trust Your Memories March 30, 2014 I just had the most fascinating experience of falling down the stairs today.

Apex Predators November 13, 2013 It’s funny how science fiction universes so often treat humans as a boring, default everyman species, or even the weakest and dumbest.

The more things change July 30, 2013 &hellips; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. — Isaiah 2:3-4

Caution: The Modern IT Workplace March 29, 2013 Over the years, I have worked for good companies and bad, and one thing I have become suspicious of is companies that try to sell a happy work environment. Let’s take Khan Academy for example:

Exeter Riddle 25 February 18, 2013 Years ago I tried to teach myself Old English. I came across this translation I did of a riddle from Exeter.

False Specter of Racism November 12, 2012

Word Frequency